Taking on Trails – Advancing Stewardship in the Mon
Sustainable recreation development is more than just new trails- it’s an opportunity to equip communities today with the stewardship skills and resources to maintain outdoor assets far into the future. This July, with support from West Virginia University’s Brad & Alys Smith Outdoor Economic Development Collaborative (OEDC) and Elkins Area Shared Trails (EAST), Mon Forest Towns held an intro to trail stewardship course at Davis & Elkins College.
“Understanding the motivations of different types of trail
users helps create positive mixed-use experiences “
Rich Edwards, WVU Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Coordinator

Mon Forest Towns Partners and Community Members get hands-on trail stewardship training at Davis & Elkins College’s Robert Urban Nature Trails.
Following a morning classroom session that dug into the history of trails, construction techniques, and maintenance programs, volunteers exchanged their thinking caps for hard hats in the woods behind D&E’s campus to get some hands-on experience. A popular destination for students and Elkins residents alike, renovations at the Robert E. Urban Nature Trails are the start of EAST’s comprehensive plan to better connect the historic downtown to the region’s outdoor amenities.
In addition to workshops, support from West Virginia Ready and the Appalachian Conservation Corps has enabled the Mon Forest Towns Partnership to hire a full-time Trail Stewardship AmeriCorps to help address outdoor recreation needs across the Monongahela National Forest region!
For more information about the Mon Forest Towns’ Trail Stewardship Initiative and future educational opportunities, follow us on social media or directly contact us at .

Forest Service Recreation experts and Stewardship Novices take on the Urban Nature Trails